About Us

Source Agriculture is a privately held US company that invests in farmland.

Source Agriculture allows investors to invest into farmland with the peace of mind that we will manage their investment wisely and leverage our relationships throughout the US to get some of the most prized properties that are unavailable to the general public.

We will lean on our financing partners to leverage the assets very conservatively to increase overall ROI.

Many of our relationships are built over decades with farmers directly. Many of these farm deals are never listed for sale but happen with a handshake on a corn field.

Source is dedicated to sustainable farming practices. We deploy state of the art technology to optimize crop production, while keeping the environmental impact at the forefront of everything we do.

Source will sign long-term triple net leases (NNN) with farmers. This lease structure provides us with very stable cash flow that tends to rise each year either at a fixed rate or via an inflation-linked escalation clause.

In addition, Source will earn a percentage of a farm's gross revenue through participation leases on some farms. Participation income can vary from year to year, depending on crop prices.

Additionally, Source will also drive revenue from leasing lands to solar and wind farms while participating in each kilowatt hour produced.